Horsin’ Around Stamford Downtown, an exciting and interactive outdoor sculpture exhibit, will transform the downtown into a colorful equine environment this summer. Stamford Downtown has placed 40 oversized, originally designed and painted fiberglass horses throughout Stamford Downtown and the Stamford Town Center. The horses will be on display for free public viewing and enjoyment by thousands of area residents and visitors all summer.
In order to give the exhibit a more interactive aspect, Stamford Downtown has created a Foursquare page for each horse; allowing spectators to “check-in” at the location of each horse when they visit. The Foursquare application can be used on all smart phones
and its primary functionality is to allow people to share their locations with friends. However, there are other elements to the app, such as a point system for “checking in” at a new restaurant or becoming “Mayor” of a frequented location. These points and badges can earn users anything from a free coffee to a free night’s stay at a hotel. By sharing locations on Foursquare, users promote costumer reviews and impromptu social gatherings. Stamford Downtown successfully used Foursquare last year to promote their summer sculpture exhibit and this year is taking full advantage of the new suggestion aspects Foursquare is bringing into play.
Horsin’ Around Stamford Downtown is also giving visitors of the exhibit the
opportunity to share their own pictures of the horses with the Stamford Downtown office.
People photographing the sculptures can create their own Facebook albums and using the
link at the bottom of the page can share it on the Stamford Downtown page,
www.facebook.com/stamford.downtown. Visitors who are more inclined to use Twitter can
“tweet” the album link to @StamfordDowntown using the hashtag #horsinaround. For those
who don’t use Facebook or Twitter but still want to share their pictures of the exhibit, photos
can be emailed to Stamford Downtown at events@stamford-downtown.com. Horsin’
Around Stamford Downtown hopes spectators take full advantage of these sharing
opportunities, as Stamford Downtown is always looking to create more ways for residents
to be involved in events.
Horsin’ Around Stamford Downtown is the fifth exhibit of its kind produced by
Stamford Downtown, a non-profit organization responsible for managing and promoting
Stamford Downtown as the region’s destination for dining, entertainment, retail, housing,
and education. Stamford Downtown has assembled some of the tri-state’s most talented
artists to create works of art using the unpainted fiberglass horses. The artists werechosen
from a pool of 200 submissions through a juried selection process
After the summer-long exhibit, the horse sculptures will be rounded up and
refurbished for an auction. A portion of the proceeds will benefit The Ferguson Library.
Horsin’ Around Stamford Downtown builds on the enormous successes of past
interactive exhibits: CowParade Stamford 2000, Art-O-Mobiles in 2001, Stamford Safari in
2003 and It’s Reigning Cats & Dogs in 2010. Those exhibits brought record -breaking
tourism and spending dollars estimated in the hundreds of thousands to the downtown and
over $400,000 was raised forcharities as a result of the four auctions. For more information
Click here for a list of artists and sculptures .
A list of the horses and their Foursquare links below...
Sculpture Foursquare Link
Skate Horse https://foursquare.com/v/skate-horse/4fcf7d2810813a71e88a7db2
Trailblazer https://foursquare.com/v/trailblazer/4fcf7d6c10813a71e88a8669
Helios Horse https://foursquare.com/v/helios-horse/4fcf7db110813a71e88a8f3d
Book Ends https://foursquare.com/v/book-ends/4fcf7df110813a71e88a9677
Shimmering Stallion https://foursquare.com/v/shimmering-stallion/4fcf7e0110813a71e88a98ca
Carnical Escape https://foursquare.com/v/carnival-escape/4fcf7e0c10813a71e88a9a43
Entwined https://foursquare.com/v/entwined/4fcf7e0d10813a71e88a9a77
Maremaid https://foursquare.com/v/maremaid/4fcf7e0f10813a71e88a9ab3
One Trick Pony https://foursquare.com/v/one-trick-pony/4fcf7e1210813a71e88a9afe
Horse Fleye https://foursquare.com/v/horse-fleye/4fcf7e1510813a71e88a9b70
Rockin' Horse https://foursquare.com/v/rockin-horse/4fcf7e1710813a71e88a9bc5
Winner's Circle https://foursquare.com/v/winners-circle/4fcf7ee510813a71e88ab6e3
American Beauty https://foursquare.com/v/american- beauty/4fcf7ee710813a71e88ab724
Diva Gait https://foursquare.com/v/diva-gait/4fcf7ee910813a71e88ab77c
Groom's Mare https://foursquare.com/v/grooms-mare/4fcf7eec10813a71e88ab7d4
Chasing Windmills https://foursquare.com/v/chasing- windmills/4fcf8bda10813a71e88c9880
MyKnightinShiningArmor https://foursquare.com/v/my-knight-in-shining-armor/4fcf8bd810813a71e88c983c
Sea Glass Horse https://foursquare.com/v/sea-glass-horse/4fcf8bd610813a71e88c97f2
SoaringOverStamford https://foursquare.com/v/soaring-over-stamford/4fcf8cbe10813a71e88cba55
AMidsummerNeigh'sDream https://foursquare.com/v/a-midsummer-neighs-dream/4fcf8cc610813a71e88cbb9f
Hospitality Horse https://foursquare.com/v/hospitality-horse/4fcf8cca10813a71e88cbc49
The Ion Horse https://foursquare.com/v/the-ion-horse/4fcf8ccc10813a71e88cbc89
Solar Horse Power https://foursquare.com/v/solar-horse-power/4fcf8cce10813a71e88cbcc8
Poseidon's Creation https://foursquare.com/v/poseidons-creation/4fcf8cd010813a71e88cbd24
PurplePolkaDotPegasus https://foursquare.com/v/purple-polka-dot-pegasus/4fcf8cd210813a71e88cbd8a
Horse Shoes https://foursquare.com/v/horse-shoes/4fcf8cd410813a71e88cbdc5
MechanicalHorsePower https://foursquare.com/v/mechanical-horse-power/4fcf8ce010813a71e88cbff6
Equus Caesar https://foursquare.com/v/equus-caesar/4fcf8cda10813a71e88cbecf
The Freedom Horse https://foursquare.com/v/the-freedom-horse/4fcf8ce510813a71e88cc087
Globe Trotter https://foursquare.com/v/globe-trotter/4fcf8e1410813a71e88ced5c
Seahorse https://foursquare.com/v/seahorse/4fcf8e1710813a71e88cedb9
Crazy Horse https://foursquare.com/v/crazy-horse/4fcf8e1910813a71e88cee13
HorseofAnotherColor https://foursquare.com/v/horse-of-another-color/4fcf906710813a71e88d3f2d
Midnight https://foursquare.com/v/midnight/4fcf906810813a71e88d3f56
Night Mare https://foursquare.com/v/night-mare/4fcf906910813a71e88d3f7d
Horsepower https://foursquare.com/v/horsepower/4fcf906a10813a71e88d3f9f
Paisley Pony https://foursquare.com/v/paisley-pony/4fcf906b10813a71e88d3fc8
Foal of Flora https://foursquare.com/v/foal-of-flora/4fcf906c10813a71e88d3fe9
Mane Attractions https://foursquare.com/v/mane-attractions/4fcf906d10813a71e88d400a
Horse & Buggies https://foursquare.com/v/horse--buggies/4fcf906f10813a71e88d4027
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Charles Fazzino and Solaring over Stamford |
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