Got a problem? Steve can help. Steve Wilkos, that is. (hairless guy on the left) He listens to all kinds of relationship problems and lends his advice to those who want to work at a solution. That's his show in a nutshell, I suppose. Well, Stamford Media Center, NBC Universal has recently relocated to Stamford (At least for the next couple of years.) They are easily accessible and located at Atlantic Street and Tresser Blvd, at the Rich Form. If you would like to be part of the audience, taping information and tickets are available at
I attended a taped "Steve" show just recently. Ready to cheer and holler the mantra "Steve, Steve, Steve", I met up with others patiently waiting to enter arena.

The show I attended, airing on 3/2, is titled "Steve got it wrong" (go to
http://www.stevewilkos.com/ to see it now). This episode was a little intense. Apparently, Steve's director handed him the wrong lie detector results, which he had no idea--until it was too late of course. The so-called cheated on girlfriend retaliated with physical violence and craziness ensued. Didn't really matter, cause the so-called cheated on girlfriend didn't believe the results anyway.
See the video for yourself. (If you are trying to spot me in the audience, I'm wearing red.) When it was all over, Steve came out and thanked everyone for coming. That was cool. I found it strangely entertaining.
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