Thursday, July 21, 2016

Summer intern corner....

 Summer Intern corner #2:
Shania (rear) and Melanie (front)

Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I have realized how important it is to have a good relationship with your coworkers. Listening to critiques, following direction, and voicing an opinion is critical in being successful in a work environment. To be able and sufficient at those skills, it is important to feel comfortable and acclimated to a new job and new coworkers. I have tried to form positive relationships by being respectful, thoughtful, and hardworking. This past week, a fellow intern and I worked together to make approximately 500 goodie bags for an upcoming event. Through this teamwork, I furthered my bond with my fellow intern and grew the trust between my employers and myself.

The DSSD staff is vital when it comes to the betterment of our community. Being a part of their organization is a big deal. It has been a pleasure to work there, but I also know it will benefit me down the road to have gotten this experience. I know that when I go into other jobs in the future, I can refer back to this as a learning experience and to source several positive recommendations.

To build a network rooted in my DSSD experience I can keep in touch with my bosses past this summer. I can also choose to volunteer or attend future events that DSSD works so hard to produce.   

By Melanie


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